Friday, April 29, 2011

Busy Spring!

We have been quite busy around here! We had a great Easter, and the boys were once again spoiled. We ended up doing a family Easter pic this year, and no tears in this year's pic! Cole thought visiting the Bunny was a lot like Santa and asked for the giant Bumblebee transformer....ya little hard to find for the poor Bunny, and lucky for Amazon. :)
The Bunny delivered, and we had very happy boys! Jamin took Cole to the Mariners game, and had a great time! Cole loved taking the train and eating a big boy cheeseburger at the game. I am glad they had fun bonding time. As soon as The Bug is a little older, he can play too!
Cole had a in house field trip at preschool. They were learning about Native Americans, and had a guess speaker. It sounds like the content was over the 4 year olds heads, but they all made dreamcatchers and thought that was pretty cool.

Well I think we are caught up! Yay for May, and SUN!!!
