Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Busy Cole!

  Cole has been quite the "helper"  lately, and when I say help, it is intended to be, but just more work for mommy later.  I was getting Caden ready in the other room today, and usually Cole is o.k. to watch t.v. in my mom's room, but today he was up to some serious work!  I came out of the doorway of our room with Caden to find many pairs of socks in the hallway.  Being afraid to look in my mom's room, I then saw my beautiful little boy dancing around the room saying, "  Look At All the Clothes!"  All I could do is laugh and ran to get the camera.  He told me, " I Gonna Fold the Clothes Momma."  Ya, he helped fold them alright!  It is the little things they try to do to help that makes you appreciate what being a mom is all about.

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